This page aims to provide information About Melina's blog Travel
Melina tips is a blog that discusses beauty, health, activities and today's technology.
Malina tips are perfect for those of you who want to look more beautiful, healthy and stay young by joining here as our community.
Melina Tips will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information, except for comments that we cannot hide.
Melina worked in the health sector from 1992 to 2018 for a long time at that time. and I believe that I will be able to write to make everyone happy through this writing.
I hope my blog will develop quickly in accordance with what I expect in the future.
Melinatips is still active because it is managed by several friends as writers and at the same time as moderators on this site, so every post is not all from admin or from melina, most likely from members who are active here.
Please help me to spread the information here to all your friends.
Regards Beautiful